Senator Benjamin T. Brooks, Sr., is a member of the Maryland State Senate, serving the 10th Legislative District for Baltimore County since January 2023. He serves on the Education, Energy and the Environment Committee, Energy Sub-Committee and Chair of the Joint Electric Universal Workgroup Service Program. He previously served two terms in the Maryland House of Delegates where he chaired the Public Utilities Sub-Committee. Currently, he is a member of the Baltimore County Senate Delegation, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Inc., Democratic and Veterans Caucuses.
Senator Brooks was the first African American Commissioner on the Baltimore County Liquor Board. A native of Sumter, South Carolina, he is the fourth child of thirteen born to the late Thomas and Hester L. Brooks. He fulfilled his military obligations by serving in the U.S. Army. Upon completing a tour in Vietnam, he was awarded the Good Conduct, Accommodation, and Vietnam Service medals. In 1972, he was honorably discharged. Privately, Senator Brooks does consulting for B&R Brooks LLC, an accounting firm that he founded 42 years ago, which is now owned and operated by his son, Benjamin T. Brooks, Jr. The Senator resides in Woodstock Maryland with Theresa, his wife of 48 years. He also has two daughters, Lindsey and Ashley, and seven grandchildren.

[2016] HB 1404 creates the Construction Education and Innovation Fund administered under the Maryland Center for Construction Education and Innovation (MCCEI) and allocates $250,000 annually in the state budget to fund the program.
[2018] HB 1161 establishes an alternative program to offer low-cost auto insurance to low-risk, low-income drivers.
[2022] HB186 excludes the first $100,000 of income from state income taxes for residents who are 100 years young
[2022] HB 680 provides a tax incentive in the form of a property tax credit to grocery stores that open or renovate in food deserts in Baltimore County
[2023] SB613 makes permanent the community solar program and improves the ability of low-income Marylanders to participate in the program by creating the option for consolidated billing.
[2023] SB 836 encourages and promotes the use and sale of plants native to Maryland at certain businesses and
requires the University of Maryland Extension to develop several programs to promote native plants and educate the public about them.

End of Session Letters Throughout the Years